El delito continuado

Autor: Ricardo Posada Maya
Přispěvatelé: Méndez Rodríguez, María Cristina
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Revista Digital de Ciencias Penales de Costa Rica; No. 3 (2011); 71
Revista Digital de Ciencias Penales de Costa Rica; Núm. 3 (2011); 71
Portal de Revistas UCR
Universidad de Costa Rica
GREDOS. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Salamanca
ISSN: 2215-6704
DOI: 10.14201/gredos.83181
Popis: [ES]La figura del delito continuado ha sido una institución española muy importante en la práctica de los tribunales durante los últimos años. Su configuración dogmática y validez político-criminal son hoy un objeto de reflexión importante del derecho penal contemporáneo. En consecuencia, se aborda el tema una perspectiva comparativa. Actualmente, la figura se rige por el principio fundamental de unidad de imputación sustantiva y procesal, por lo que supone una modalidad de delito único, configurado a partir de un nexo objetivo de unificación, un nexo subjetivo de continuidad y un nexo normativo o valorativo de unificación o integración típica. Respecto al nexo objetivo, el delito continuado exige: 1. una unidad de acción en sentido amplio. El delito continuado no se configura como una excepción al concurso de delitos, sino que comienza a adquirir una especial autonomía sustantiva que lo distingue de otras modalidades del delito único. 2. Que la unidad de acción en sentido amplio se adecue sucesivamente al mismo tipo penal o a uno semejante. 3. Que no sean vulnerados bienes jurídicos altamente personales salvo el honor y la integridad sexual. Si dicha pluralidad se transforma en una masa, se presentará el denominado delito masa: una modalidad de la figura. Por lo demás, se considera que el delito continuado puede caber tanto en los delitos dolosos como en los delitos culposos. El plan general sería el elemento subjetivo central y el dolo global el eje en las hipótesis dolosas, soportadas por el aprovechamiento de ocasiones similares. Se niega la viabilidad del dolo de continuación y se demuestra su vínculo con las teorías de la ficción, rechazadas desde 1998 por el Tribunal Supremo español. Se concluye que se trata de una figura con su propia estructura sustantiva en el Derecho Penal moderno.The figure of the continued crime has been a very important Spanish institution In the praxis's courts during the past few years. Their dogmatic configuration and validity political-criminal are today an object of important reflection of the contemporary penal right. Consequently, the subject is approached a comparative perspective. At the moment, the figure is governed by the fundamental principle of unit of substantive and procedural imputation, reason why it supposes a modality of unique crime, formed from an objective nexus of unification, a subjective nexus of continuity and a normative nexus of unification or typical integration. With respect to the objective nexus, the continued crime demands: 1. A unit of action in long sense. The continued crime does not form like an exception of the concurrency of crimes, but that begins to acquire a special substantive autonomy that distinguishes it of other modalities of the unique crime. 2. The unit of action in long sense is adapted successively to he himself penal type. 3. That legally protected not personal interests except for the honor and sexual integrity. If this plurality is transformed into a mass, the denominated mass crime will appear. By the others, it is considered that the continued crime can fit as much in the voluntary crimes as in the imprudent crimes. The general plan would be the central subjective element and the global dolo the axis in the voluntary hypotheses, supported by the advantage of similar occasions. The viability of the continued dolo is refused and its bond with the theories of the fiction is demonstrated, rejected from 1998 by the Spanish Supreme Court. One concludes that one is a figure with its own substantive structure in the modern Penal Right
[EN]The figure of a continuing offense has been a very important Spanish institution in the practice of the courts in recent years. His own political dogma and pre-criminal is now a subject of reflection important contemporary criminal law. Consequently, it addresses the topic from a comparative perspective. Currently, the figure is governed by the fundamental principle of unity of substantive and procedural objection by giving it a unique form of crime, configured from an objective nexus of unification, a subjective nexus of continuity and a link to a normative or evaluative typical unification or integration. Regarding the link target, the offense continued to demand: 1. unity of action in the broad sense. The continuing offense is not configured as an exception to the combination of offenses, but begins to acquire a particular substantive autonomy that distinguishes it from other forms of crime alone. 2. That unity of action fits broadly on the same offense or one similar. 3. What legal rights are not violated unless highly personal honor and sexual integrity. If the plurality is transformed into a mass, will present the so-called mass crime: a form of the figure. Moreover, it is considered that the continuing offense can fit both intentional crimes as crimes of strict liability. The general plan would be the subjective element and the central axis in the global fraud hypotheses fraudulent, supported by the use of similar occasions. It denies the continuing viability of intent and shows its link with theories of fiction, rejected since 1998 by the Spanish Supreme Court. We conclude that this is a figure with its own substantive structure in modern criminal law.The figure of the continuing crime has-been a very important Spanish institution In the praxis's Courts DURING the past FEW years. Dogmatic Their configuration and political-criminal Validity Are today an important object of reflection of the contemporary right criminal. Consequently, the subject is Approach to comparative perspective. At the moment, the figure is governo by the fundamental Principle of unit of Substantive and procedural imputation, reason why it Supposes a unique modality of crime, form from an Objective nexus of unification, a nexus of subjective normative Continuity and a nexus of unification or typical integration. Objective With Respect to the nexus, the continuing crime Demands: 1. A unit of action in long sense. The continuing crime not does form like an exception of the concurrency of Crimes, But That Begins to acquire a special Substantive Autonomy That distinguished it of Other Modalities of the unique crime. 2. The unit of action in long sense is successively adapted Himself to have criminal type. 3. That personal Interests Not Legally protected except for the honor and sexual integrity. If this Plurality is Transformed Into a mass, the mass denominated crime will Appear. By The Others, it is the continuing crime Considered That dog fit in as much as the Voluntary Crimes Crimes in the imprudent. The general plan central Would Be the subjective element and the axis in the global fraud The Voluntary Hypotheses, Supported by the Advantage of similar occasions. The Continued Viability of the fraud is Refused and Its bond with the Theories of the fiction is Demonstrated, Rejected from 1998 by the Spanish Supreme Court. One Conclude That One is a figure with Its Own Substantive Criminal structure in the modern Right
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