Effect of unilateral ovariectomy, gonadotropin stimulation and immunization against a synthetic peptide of the inhibin alpha-subunit on follicular development and oocyte recovery in cattle

Autor: J. R. Broussard, António Rocha, M. Meintjes, J.M. Lim, R.M. Blair, J.D. Roussel, Robert A. Godke, W. Hansel
Rok vydání: 1995
Zdroj: Theriogenology. 46(4)
ISSN: 0093-691X
Popis: Nulliparous Holstein cows were randomly distributed among 4 treatment groups to test the effects of treatments, including unilateral ovariectomy, anti-inhibin immunization and gonadotropin stimulation on ovarian follicle population and oocyte recovery. The Control treatment consisted of intact cows (I-Control). Unilaterally ovariectomized cows were included in the 3 remaining treatments consisting of ovariectomy alone (U-Control), cows immunized against a synthetic peptide of the alpha(c)-subunit of bovine inhibin (alpha(c)I; U-IH), and cows stimulated with FSH (Super-Ov; 75 units/female/week) and also immunized with alpha(c)I as in the previous treatment (U-IH/FSH). Oocytes were collected by transvaginal ultrasound-guided aspiration on a weekly basis from cows in each treatment for 5 consecutive weeks. Intact Control cows had a greater (P0.05) number of folliclesor = 3 mm per female (4.7) than the U-Control and U-IH cows (2.6 and 2.9, respectively), and had a similar number of follicles as the U-IH/FSH treatment group (3.5). The numbers of follicles aspirated (2.7 to 3.6) and oocytes recovered/cow (1.6 to 2.6) were similar for cows in the I-Control, U-IH and U-IH/FSH treatment groups. Cows in the U-Control treatment group had a lower (P0.05) number of aspirated follicles (2.0) and recovered oocytes (1.1) than the I-Control cows. Cows in the U-IH/FSH and U-IH treatments had follicles with larger (P0.01) diameters (8.7 and 8.2 mm, respectively) than cows in the I-Control (6.6 mm) and U-Control (5.7 mm) treatments. In conclusion, unilateral ovariectomy did not result in compensatory increase of follicle number or size in the intact ovary; cows in the U-IH/FSH treatment group had a greater number of follicles aspirated than the U-Control cows. In addition, the anti-alpha(c)I immunization may have played a role in increasing the number and diameter of the follicles. None of the treatments evaluated in this study improved oocyte retrieval over that of the intact, nontreated cows.
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