How Pharmacist Preceptors Foster Students’ Therapeutic Reasoning Using the One-Minute Preceptor Method

Autor: Jacqueline E. McLaughlin, Charlene R. Williams, Kayley Lyons, Michael D. Wolcott, Rebecca Grandy
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2019
Popis: Objective. To compare whether preceptors trained in the One-Minute Preceptor (OMP) method versus preceptors not trained in the OMP method use OMP methods, and whether their students demonstrate more frequent expression of therapeutic reasoning processes during case presentations. Methods. A pilot quasi-experimental study was conducted. In 2015, four preceptors attended an OMP training session. The OMP preceptors and three preceptors not trained in OMP were asked to collect audio recordings of their students presenting patient cases. The audio recordings were coded for preceptors' use of OMP methods and students' expression of therapeutic reasoning processes. Results. In total, we collected 42 audio recordings from 27 students presenting a patient case to one of seven preceptors. Preceptors trained in OMP more frequently asked students to commit to a therapeutic assessment and plan, probed for their supporting reasoning, and reinforced what was done well. However, non-OMP preceptors' students more frequently articulated assessments and treatment plans in their case presentations. The non-OMP students also more frequently initiated discussion about the reasoning behind their assessments and plans without prompting from their preceptor. Conclusion. Implementing OMP workshops for preceptors to elicit students' therapeutic reasoning processes requires further consideration. Future research is needed on pragmatic and effective precepting methods.
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