Gas-Phase Synthesis and Characterization of the Methyl-2,2-dicyanoacetate Anion Using Photoelectron Imaging and Dipole-Bound State Autodetachment

Autor: Jan R. R. Verlet, Cate S. Anstöter
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Journal of physical chemistry letters, 2020, Vol.11(15), pp.6456-6462 [Peer Reviewed Journal]
ISSN: 1948-7185
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.0c02036
Popis: The methyl-2,2-dicyanoacetate anion is synthesised in an electrospray ionisation source through a gas-phase reaction involving tetracyanoethylene and methanol. Photoelectron imaging is used to determine the isomeric form of the product. The photoelectron spectra and angular distributions are only consistent with a single isomer. Additionally, mode-specific vibrational autodetachment is observed. This can be correlated with the emission from a photoexcited dipole-bound state by considering the IR spectrum of the neutral molecule, adding further confirmation of the isomeric form and providing a binding energy of the dipole-bound state. Our experiments show how conventional photoelectron imaging can be used to determine detailed information about gas-phase reaction products.
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