Pegfilgrastim supports delivery of FEC-100 chemotherapy in elderly patients with high risk breast cancer: A randomized phase 2 trial

Autor: M. Constenla, T. Skacel, M. Clemens, P. Fargeot, R. Mahlberg, W. Brugger, V. Easton, G. Romieu, M. Schütte, P. Bacon
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology. 64:64-72
ISSN: 1040-8428
Popis: This randomized phase 2 study explored the feasibility of delivering four to six cycles of the dose-intensified regimen FEC-100 (5-fluorouracil, epirubicin, and cyclophosphamide) to elderly patients with stage II-III breast cancer, using pegfilgrastim for neutrophil support. Sixty patients aged 65-77 years received single 6mg doses of pegfilgrastim on day 2 of FEC-100, either as primary prophylaxis (all cycles: PP), or as secondary prophylaxis (all cycles following a neutropenic event: SP). Neutropenic events (a composite endpoint that included grade 3 neutropenia+fever, grade 4 neutropenia, infectious complication requiring systemic anti-infectives and chemotherapy dose delay/reduction) occurred in 24/30 (80%) of the PP and 21/29 (72%) of the SP group in the first cycle. Most patients received all chemotherapy cycles at full dose on schedule (26/30 [87%] PP; 20/29 [69%] SP). These data indicate that delivery of FEC-100 is feasible with pegfilgrastim support in elderly breast cancer patients.
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