Conjugated dihydroxy bile salt inhibition of glucose influx in rat jejunumin vitro

Autor: Regina Watt, Daniel S. Feldman, Elaine B. Feldman
Rok vydání: 1977
Zdroj: The American Journal of Digestive Diseases. 22:415-418
ISSN: 1573-2568
Popis: Effects of bile salts on intestinal glucose transfer differ in diverse animal preparations exposed to various bile acids. Radiolabeled glucose influx into rat jejunum in vitro was studied in buffer and compared to taurodeoxycholate, taurochenodeoxycholate, taurocholate, and deoxycholate. Jejunum was obtained from intact, bile-diverted, and colestipoltreated rats and in similar categories after abdominal x-irradiation. Taurodeoxycholate but not taurocholate inhibited glucose influx only in bile-fistula and colestipol-treated rats. Bile diversion increased and colestipol decreased glucose uptake from buffer. Added inhibitory effects of irradiation and bile salts were seen in bile-fistula animals. These data suggest that normal exposure to bile is chronically inhibiting jejunal glucose transport and that dihydroxy bile salts are responsible for this effect. They do not provide an explanation for the role of bile in the intestinal radiation syndrome.
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