Praziquantel for treatment of schistosomiasis in patients with advanced hepatosplenomegaly

Autor: el-Masry Na, S. Bassily, Stek M, Dunn Ma, Zoheir Farid
Rok vydání: 1985
Zdroj: Annals of Tropical Medicine & Parasitology. 79:629-634
ISSN: 1364-8594
Popis: We evaluated praziquantel for therapy of active Schistosoma mansoni infection in 15 rural Egyptian males with hepatosplenic schistosomiasis. Criteria for inclusion in this study were two pre-treatment S. mansoni egg counts with a mean of greater than 100 eggs g-1 faeces and an enlarged spleen. Fourteen of 15 patients had hepatomegaly, five had ascites, and six had serum albumin below 3 g dl-1. Schistosoma haematobium infection (less than 10 eggs ml-1 urine) was present in three patients. Praziquantel was administered in a single oral dose of 30 mg kg-1 body weight. Eight of the 15 patients (53%) had mild and transient reactions in the form of fever (usually one day), gastrointestinal symptoms, headache and skin rash. Criteria for parasitological cure were the absence of live eggs in two stool samples and a negative rectal snip biopsy three months after therapy. Ten patients ceased to pass live eggs (cure rate 67%). For the five who were still passing live eggs there was a mean egg reduction of 95%. The three patients with S. haematobium demonstrated parasitological cures. We conclude that praziquantel is an effective and well tolerated drug for treatment of S. mansoni infection in patients with advanced hepatosplenic schistosomiasis, and it is the drug of choice for patients with coexisting S. haematobium infection.
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