Two Pragmatic Functions of Breathy Voice in American English Conversation

Autor: Ward, Nigel, Kirkland, Ambika, Wlodarczak, Marcin, Székely, Éva
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: SpeechProsody.
ISSN: 2333-2042
DOI: 10.21437/speechprosody.2022-17
Popis: Although the paralinguistic and phonological significance of breathy voice is well known, its pragmatic roles have been little studied. We report a systematic exploration of the pragmatic functions of breathy voice in American English, using a small corpus of casual conversations, using the Cepstral Peak Prominence Smoothed measure as an indicator of breathy voice, and using a common workflow to find prosodic constructions and identify their meanings. We found two prosodic constructions involving breathy voice. The first involves a short region of breathy voice in the midst of a region of low pitch, functioning to mark self-directed speech. The second involves breathy voice over several seconds, combined with a moment of wider pitch range leading to a high pitch over about a second, functioning to mark an attempt to establish common ground. These interpretations were confirmed by a perception experiment. QC 20220628 Perception of speaker stance – using spontaneous speech synthesis to explore the contribution of prosody, context and speaker (VR-2020-02396) Prosodic functions of voice quality dynamics(VR-2019-02932) CAPTivating – Comparative Analysis of Public speaking with Text-to-speech (P20-0298)
Databáze: OpenAIRE