Sulfonium-Driven Neoantigen-Released DNA Nanodevice as a Precise Vaccine for Tumor Immunotherapy and Prevention

Autor: Yaping Zhang, Hongkun Xu, Leying Jiang, Zhaodi Liu, Chenshan Lian, Xiaofeng Ding, Chuan Wan, Na Liu, Yuena Wang, Zhiqiang Yu, Lizhi Zhu, Feng Yin, Zigang Li
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: ACS nano. 16(11)
ISSN: 1936-086X
Popis: Peptide-based neoantigen vaccines hold tremendous potential for personalized tumor immunotherapy. However, effective delivery and controllable release of antigen peptides remain major challenges in stimulating robust and sustained immune responses. Programmable DNA nanodevices provide accurate fixed positions for antigens, which are convenient for the calculation of clinical dosage, and hold great potential as precise carriers. Here, a peptide-nucleic acid conjugate was prepared, which was driven by a propargyl sulfonium-based efficient and reversible bio-orthogonal reaction under weakly alkaline conditions, and folded into regular DNA nanodevice vaccines. The well-defined nanoplatform not only exhibits outstanding stability in serum, satisfactory safety, and effective internalization by antigen-presenting cells (RAW264.7 and BMDCs) but also obviously enhances cytokine (TNF-α, IL-6, and IL-12) secretion for further immune response.
Databáze: OpenAIRE