A Phantom Opacity on Chest Radiograph

Autor: Adelino Carragoso, Diana Pinho dos Santos, Marlene Delgado
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: European Journal of Case Reports in Internal Medicine (2020)
Eur J Case Rep Intern Med
Popis: The authors present a case of phantom tumour of the lung. This is a type of pleural effusion where fluids accumulate in the interlobar fissures, typically in the transverse fissure. Its prompt recognition avoids additional, unnecessary or expensive examination and treatment mistakes. LEARNING POINTS: Phantom tumour of the lung should be considered as a differential diagnosis for a radiographic opacity because it can be misdiagnosed as a lung mass or consolidation. Its rapid disappearance after management of the underlying condition, in this case of cardiac decompensation with diuretics, confirms the diagnosis. Prompt recognition avoids additional, unnecessary or expensive examination and treatment mistakes.
Databáze: OpenAIRE