State Licensing Regulations on Screen Time in Childcare Centers: An Impetus for Participatory Action Research

Autor: Jessica St. Romain, Jeanette Gustat, E. Kipling Webster, Andrew T. Allen, Corby K. Martin, Whitney Fowler, Leslie Lewis, Amanda E. Staiano, Maura M. Kepper
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action. 12:101-109
ISSN: 1557-055X
DOI: 10.1353/cpr.2018.0025
Popis: Background: New licensing regulations require Louisiana early care and education centers (ECEs) to limit children's screen time and increase physical activity. A community– academic partnership involving academic, community, government, and ECE stakeholders launched two initiatives: (1) an evaluation of the implementation of licensing regulations at the local level and (2) a statewide effort to develop technical assistance for ECE directors. Objectives: To describe the methods and lessons learned and to establish recommendations based on this ongoing participatory action research. Methods: A case study approach was used to identify the lessons learned and recommendations thus far, based on partners' perspectives and ECE directors' participation. Lessons Learned: Recommendations include to share power and funding among stakeholders, to engage directors as partners to overcome recruitment challenges, and to start with the end in mind to ensure meaningful community engagement. Conclusions: This participatory action approach is leading to innovative, feasible strategies to increase children's physical activity.
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