Neighborhood Disadvantage, Network Social Capital, and Depressive Symptoms

Autor: John J. Beggs, Jeanne S. Hurlbert, Valerie A. Haines
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Journal of Health and Social Behavior. 52:58-73
ISSN: 2150-6000
DOI: 10.1177/0022146510394951
Popis: Research on why neighborhood disadvantage matters for health focuses on the capacity of neighborhoods to regulate residents’ behavior through informal social control. The authors extend this research by conducting a multilevel analysis of data from a 1995 telephone survey of 497 residents of 32 neighborhoods in a U.S. city. The authors find that network social capital mediates the contextual effect of neighborhood disadvantage on depressive symptoms and that health effects of network social capital persist when perceived neighborhood disorder, a standard indicator of low informal social control, is controlled for. The findings demonstrate the value of a conceptualization and measurement of network social capital that (1) considers ties that transcend neighborhood boundaries, (2) investigates health benefits of network social capital in the forms of closure and embedded support resources and range and embedded instrumental resources, and (3) uses network data on specific network members with strong and weak ties to respondents.
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