Contra Horowitz

Autor: Amos, Jon-Paul, Block, Walter E.
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Međunarodne studije
Volume XXII
Issue 2
ISSN: 2459-623X
DOI: 10.46672/ms.22.2.2
Popis: Horowitz rejects reparations for African Americans. We demonstrate that their heirs are entitled to the property illegitimately obtained by the slave owners. When we operate under the libertarian homesteading principle, the land should be redistributed back to the people who worked and tilled it first. That is, the black slaves. Horowitz’s claims against reparations serve as a poor refutation towards the reparations argument. African Americans are entitled to the “40 acres and a mule” that was promised, yet never fulfilled. We rely upon libertarian theory to clearly understand the case for reparations.
Horowitz ne prihvaća pravo na reparacije za ropstvo Afroamerikancima. Mi pokazujemo da njihovi nasljednici imaju pravo na imovinu koju su nelegitimno stekli robovlasnici. Prema libertarijanskom načelu homesteadinga, zemlju treba preraspodijeliti unatrag, ljudima koji su je prvi i obrađivali, odnosno crnim robovima. Horowitzove tvrdnje protiv reparacija jedva da su pokušaj pobijanja argumenata u korist reparacija. Afroamerikanci imaju pravo na tih “40 jutara i mazgu”, kako je obećano, ali nikada ispunjeno. Oslanjamo se na libertarijansku teoriju kako bismo jasno razumjeli problem prava na reparacije.
Databáze: OpenAIRE