'Evergreen' Peach, Its Inheritance and Dormant Behavior

Autor: M. Wisniewski, William R. Okie, J. Rodriguez-A., Ralph Scorza, W.B. Sherman
Rok vydání: 1994
Zdroj: Scopus-Elsevier
ISSN: 2327-9788
Popis: The evergreen (EVG) peach, first described in Mexico, was used as a parent with deciduous (DE) peaches to develop F 1 and F 2 hybrid populations in Mexico, Florida, Georgia, and West Virginia. F 1 trees were DE and F 2 plants segregated 3 DE : 1 EVG. In West Virginia, the most temperate location, the heterozygous class could be distinguished in the first few years of growth by late leaf abscission in the fall. Segregation ratios suggest that the EVG trait is controll ed by a single gene, evg, the EVG state being homozygous recessive. Evergreen trees were characterized by insensitivity of shoot tips to daylength and failure of terminal growth to cease growth until killed by low temperature. Lateral buds of EVG trees went dormant in the fall. Deep supercooling occurred in both EVG and DE trees, but it appeared later in EVG trees, was of shorter duration, and occurred to a lesser extent. Evergreen germplasm may be useful in developing peach cultivars for frost-free subtropic and tropical areas. It also presents a useful system for studying dormancy and cold hardiness. develop in EVG trees except in climates where they were partially or fully defoliated by stress or leaf diseases. The objective of this study was to test the hypothesis (Lammerts, 1945) that expression of the EVG habit is under control of a single recessive gene and to develop comparative information on the ability of EVG trees to acclimate in different locations.
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