Key innovations in ANASTACIA: Advanced networked agents for security and trust assessment in CPS/IOT architectures

Autor: Bernabe, J. B., Molina, A., Skarmeta, A., Bianchi, S., Cambiaso, E., Vaccari, I., Scaglione, S., Aiello, M., Trapero, R., Bouet, M., Belabed, D., Bagaa, M., Addad, R., Taleb, T., Rivera, D., Mady, A. E-D, Rodriguez, A. Q., Crettaz, C., Ziegler, S., Kim, E., Filipponi, M., Bajic, B., Garcia-Carrillo, D., Rafael Marin-Perez
Zdroj: Scopus-Elsevier
Challenges in Cybersecurity and Privacy-the European Research Landscape ISBN: 9781003337492
Challenges in Cybersecurity and Privacy-the European Research Landscape, edited by Jorge Bernal Bernabe, Antonio Skarmeta, pp. 23–53, 2019
info:cnr-pdr/source/autori:Jorge Bernal Bernabe, Alejandro Molina, Antonio Skarmeta, Stefano Bianchi, Enrico Cambiaso, Ivan Vaccari, Silvia Scaglione, Maurizio Aiello, Rubén Trapero, Mathieu Bouet, Dallal Belabed, Miloud Bagaa, Rami Addad, Tarik Taleb, Diego Rivera, Alie El-Din Mady, Adrian Quesada Rodriguez, Cédric Crettaz, Sébastien Ziegler, Eunah Kim, Matteo Filipponi, Bojana Bajic, Dan Garcia-Carrillo, Rafael Marin-Perez/titolo:Key Innovations in ANASTACIA: Advanced Networked Agents for Security and Trust Assessment in CPS%2FIOT Architectures/titolo_volume:Challenges in Cybersecurity and Privacy-the European Research Landscape/curatori_volume:Jorge Bernal Bernabe, Antonio Skarmeta/editore:/anno:2019
Popis: This book chapter presents the main key innovations being devised, implemented and validated in the scope of Anastacia H2020 EU research project, to meet the cybersecurity challenge of protecting dynamically heterogenous IoT scenarios, endowed with SDN/NFV capabilities, which face evolving kind of cyber-attacks. The key innovations encompasses, among others, policy-based security management in IoT networks, trusted and dynamic security orchestration of virtual networks security functions using SDN/NFV technologies, security monitoring and cognitive reaction to countering cyber-treats, behavioural analysis, anomaly detection and automated testing for the detection of known and unknown vulnerabilities in both physical and virtual environments as well as secured and authenticated dynamic seal system as a service.
Databáze: OpenAIRE