Silver, copper and aluminium coatings for micro-material handling operations

Autor: A.F. Van der Merwe, Y.I. Rabinovich, Stephen Matope
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, Volume: 24, Issue: 2, Pages: 69-77, Published: 2013
South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, Vol 24, Iss 2, Pp 69-77 (2013)
Popis: Micro-material handling has challenges accompanying it because of adhesive forces, which make the picking and placing of micro-parts difficult. The adhesive forces hinder the picking of a micro-part, and once picked, they pose even a greater challenge when attempts to release a micro-part are made. Van der Waals' forces are part of the adhesive forces and are always present between interacting surfaces in a micro-material handling operation. However, Van der Waals' forces can profitably be manipulated in a micro-material handling operation. The paper reveals how the Van der Waals' forces can be advantageously used in micro-material handling operations involving silver, copper and aluminium coatings of rms surface roughness values ranging from 0.5 nm to 2.72 nm, which are produced by the electron beam evaporation (e-beam) method. These were found to exert Van der Waals' forces ranging from 17 nN to 314 nN, which can be used for reliable micro-material handling operations. Die hantering van materiaal op 'n mikroskaal het uitdagings wat daarmee gepaard gaan as gevolg van kleefkragte. Kleefkragte bemoeilik die optel van 'n mikro-onderdeel en, wanneer dit eers opgetel is, is daar selfs 'n groter uitdaging wanneer die part geplaas en gelos moet word. Van der Waalskragte vorm deel van die kleefkragte en is altyd teenwoordig tussen opervlaktes wat met mekaar in aanraking kom wanneer mikro-materiale gehanteer word. Van der Waalskragte kan egter voordelig gemanipuleer word in 'n mikro-materiaalhanteringsituasie. Hierdie artikel toon hoedat Van der Waalskragte voordelig gebruik kan word wanneer silwer-, koper- en aluminiumbedekkings met 'n wgk oppervlak-grofheid tussen 0.5 nm en 2.72nm, wat deur die elektronstraalverdamping (e-straal) metode geproduseer word, gehanteer moet word. Daar is gevind dat hierdie bedekkings Van der Waalskragte tussen 17nN en 314nN uitoefen. Die Van der Waalskragte kan gebruik word vir betroubare mikro-materiaalhantering.
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