Measurement of multi - jet rates in deep inelastic electron - proton scattering with the H1 detector at HERA

Autor: Wegner, Armin
Přispěvatelé: Heinzelmann, G., Meier, K.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 1994
electron p: deep inelastic scattering
multiple production [jet]
electron p [deep inelastic scattering]
multiple production: jet
296 GeV
jet [electroproduction]
energy flow [transverse energy]
jet: electroproduction
deep inelastic scattering: electron p
jet: multiple production
quantum chromodynamics
angular distribution
colliding beams [electron p]
electroproduction [jet]
final state: (3jet)
quark model parton
event shape analysis: cluster
(3jet) [final state]
electron p [colliding beams]
cluster [event shape analysis]
final state [(3jet)]
electroproduction: jet
colliding beams: electron p
electron p: colliding beams
transverse energy: energy flow
deep inelastic scattering [electron p]
jet [multiple production]
(3jet): final state
experimental results
DOI: 10.3204/pubdb-2023-02028
Popis: 123 pp. (1994).
In this thesis the first analysis of multi-jet production with the Hl detector at HERA is presented. The studies are based on data taken in 1992. The integrated luminosity was $22.5 nb^{-1}$. The structure of multi jet events are explored und compared to Monte Carlo models. Jet rates for momentum transfers squared up to $500 GeV^2$ are determind using the JADE clustering algorithm. Sytematical effects are investigated. Within the statistical and systematical errors the jet rates are found to be in agreement with the predictions from QCD based models.
Databáze: OpenAIRE