State mental health policy: critical elements of public-sector managed behavioral health programs for severe mental illness in five States

Autor: Julienne Giard, David Shern, M. Susan Ridgely, Virginia Mulkern
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.). 53(4)
ISSN: 1075-2730
Popis: he term “managed care” may beused to describe a wide variety ofarrangements that have differentstructures, functions, and effects onthe care of people who have behav-ioral health disorders. The evaluationof public-sector managed care planshas been hindered by a lack of a sys-tematic vocabulary for describingthem and a lack of instruments to op-erationalize this vocabulary into a setof measurement procedures.We developed and pilot tested aninstrument to be used in categorizingpublic-sector managed care arrange-ments (1). The instrument was usedto collect descriptive data on man-aged care plans in the Managed Be-havioral Health Care in the PublicSector Study conducted by the Sub-stance Abuse and Mental Health Ser-vices Administration (SAMHSA). Inthis multisite study, a competitiveprocess was used to fund 21 sites inorder to evaluate managed behavioralhealth services for four target popula-tions. Here we report preliminary de-scriptive data from five SAMHSAsites at which the impact of managedcare on adults with severe mental ill-ness—one of the most vulnerable andimportant public-sector target popu-lations—was studied.
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