Язык прикосновений в свете последних открытий нейробиологии: интеграция семиотических, лингвистических, психологических и психофизиологических подходов

Autor: Anton Varlamov, Alexandra Gorbacheva, Anna Kravchenko, Mikhail Osadchiy
Rok vydání: 2019
Popis: [In Russian] Social touch interactions and touch communication have gained much attention due to the recent discovery of C-tactile system in human: a separate sensory system serving a sole purpose of affiliating people socially and emotionally by providing unconditional positive reinforcement to human gentle touch. The present article is a multidisciplinary research aimed to integrate current frameworks and models of touch communication and to establish a semiotic model and classification of touch gestures.
Databáze: OpenAIRE