Screening for clostridiae and treatment of clostridiae contamination to prevent fatal infections after liver transplantation

Autor: T Vowinkel, M Hermann, J Menzel, H.H Wolters, K.H Dietl, N Senninger, J Brockmann, D Stähle, T Vogel
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: Transplantation Proceedings. 34:2292-2293
ISSN: 0041-1345
Popis: CLOSTRIDIAE ARE anaerobic, gram-positive, sporeforming rods, which inhabit the gastrointestinal tract of healthy subjects. With a 5.9% incidence, contamination of the bilary tract with C. perfringens is not a rare finding in patients undergoing bilary surgery. In a report of 286 isolates obtained from bile specimens 27 were identified as C. perfringens, which can cause severe infections with gas gangrene, sepsis, and hemolysis. The outcome is fatal in most cases despite surgical and antbiotic treatment, particularly for liver transplant recipients receiving immunosuppressive therapy. Survival is possible when the focus can be eliminated by early retransplantation.
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