Abnormalities of the uterus and cervix after diethylstilbestrol exposure: correlation of findings on MR and hysterosalpingography

Autor: A. A. W. Peters, T. H. M. Falke, A. P. G. Van Gils, R. T. O. T. A. Tham
Rok vydání: 1989
Zdroj: American Journal of Roentgenology. 153:1235-1238
ISSN: 1546-3141
DOI: 10.2214/ajr.153.6.1235
Popis: We determined the value of MR for detecting abnormalities of the uterus caused by in utero exposure to diethylstilbestrol in patients in whom such abnormalities were evident on hysterosalpingography. Of 200 women with a history of diethylstilbestrol exposure in utero, 12 had undergone hysterosalpingography as part of an infertility workup. Five of these volunteered to undergo MR imaging of the pelvis. Hysterosalpingography showed abnormalities in all five patients. Abnormalities included hypoplasia of the uterine cavity (3/5), a T-shaped uterine cavity (3/5), constrictions of the uterine cavity (3/5), irregular margins of the uterine cavity (2/5), bilateral hydrosalpinges (2/5), and a diverticulum of a fallopian tube (1/5). MR images showed abnormalities in all five patients. These included hypoplasia of the uterine cavity, uterine corpus, and cervix (3/5); a T-shaped uterine cavity (3/5); constrictions of the uterine cavity (3/5); and bilateral hydrosalpinges (2/5). There was an excellent correlation between the findings on MR images and those on hysterosalpingograms. A thick junctional zone was identified on MR as the cause of constrictions of the uterine cavity seen on hysterosalpingography. MR failed to show the irregular margins of the uterine cavity in two of five cases and a diverticulum of the fallopian tube. We conclude that MR can be used to detect hypoplasia and other congenital abnormalities of the uterus in women with a history of diethylstilbestrol exposure in utero.
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