The recall of missing items

Autor: Bennet B. Murdock, David S. Smith
Rok vydání: 2005
Zdroj: Memory & Cognition. 33:380-388
ISSN: 1532-5946
DOI: 10.3758/bf03193056
Popis: In two experiments, we studied the recall of missing items. Short lists of common words were presented once and were followed immediately by a random permutation of all but one of the presented items. The task of the subject was to recall the missing item--that is, the item present in the study set but missing from the probe set. Experiment 1 replicated the high accuracy with five-item lists originally reported by Yntema and Trask (1963) and showed that the latencies were quite short (about 750 msec). Experiment 2 varied list length unpredictably and showed that accuracy was a function of both list length (four, five, or six items) and serial position. Latency was again quite short but was essentially independent of list length and serial position. It was possible to simulate most of the effects with the power set model with no free parameters (i.e., parameters that varied with the experimental manipulations). The results seemed to be more consistent with a direct access model (the power set model of TODAM; Murdock, 1995) than with a simple search or serial-scanning model.
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