Diurnal effects of enriched environment on immediate early gene expression in the rat brain

Autor: Sven-Anders Bergström, Tommy Olsson, Per Dahlqvist, Annica Rönnbäck
Rok vydání: 2005
Zdroj: Brain Research. 1046:137-144
ISSN: 0006-8993
Popis: Rodents housed in an enriched environment (EE) show increased neuronal plasticity with enhanced long-term potentiation and memory performance. We report an EE-induced increase in NGFI-A and Krox-20 mRNA expression exclusively during the dark period of the day. In addition, EE-housed rats showed considerable diurnal variation in NGFI-A, Krox-20, and NGFI-B mRNA expression which was absent in single-housed rats. Thus, EE-induced molecular changes are more evident during the dark phase when the rats have higher motor and exploratory activity. This is important to take into account in future studies of molecular mediators of experience-dependent neuronal plasticity.
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