Workplace isolation, loneliness and wellbeing at work: The mediating role of task interdependence and supportive behaviours

Autor: Teresa C. D'Oliveira, Liana Persico
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: D'Oliveira, T C & Persico, L 2023, ' Workplace isolation, loneliness and wellbeing at work: The mediating role of task interdependence and supportive behaviours ', APPLIED ERGONOMICS, vol. 106, 103894 .
DOI: 10.1016/j.apergo.2022.103894
Popis: Despite the negative impact of social isolation on wellbeing, research has yet to address how organisations may mitigate the effects of workplace isolation and loneliness. The main objective of the study is to explore the mediating role of task interdependence and supportive behaviours of colleagues on the relationship between workplace isolation on workplace wellbeing. A total of 137 volunteers completed a survey assessing workplace isolation, loneliness, task interdependence, supportive behaviours of colleagues and wellbeing at work. SEM analyses supported the negative effects of company isolation on workplace wellbeing. While supportive behaviours had a mediating role, task interdependence did not mediate the relationships between company isolation and loneliness, and wellbeing. The findings show that increased opportunities for interpersonal interactions at work through greater task interdependence are not enough to reverse the negative effects of workplace isolation on wellbeing. In contrast, an investment in a supportive environment may reverse the negative effects of workplace isolation on wellbeing, highlighting the importance of a supportive culture.
Databáze: OpenAIRE