D6.1: First Annual Report on the PRACE Operational Services

Autor: Stanek, Filip
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2018
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6805980
Popis: The objective of this deliverable is to present the activity done in the reporting period (January 2017 - April 2018) to operate and coordinate the common PRACE Operational services, foreseen by Task 6.1 of WP6 in PRACE-5IP project. The operation of the PRACE distributed HPC infrastructure involves the coordination of a set of services which integrate the Tier-0 systems and a number of national Tier-1 systems, providing services for Tier-0, in a “single” pan-european HPC infrastructure. This work is the continuation of the work done by Task 6.1 in the previous PRACE-IP projects to give continuity to the PRACE Operational services for the HPC Eco-system. Eight Tier-0 systems were operational in the first reporting period of the PRACE-5IP project period: JUQUEEN at GCS@JUELICH; CURIE at GENCI@CEA; HAZELHEN at GCS@HLRS; SuperMUC at GCS@LRZ; SuperMUC phase2 at GCS@LRZ; MARCONI (BDW & KNL) at CINECA; MareNostrum4 at BSC; PizDaint at ETHZurich@CSCS Furthermore, operational support has been provided to 23 national Tier-1 systems that provide services for Tier-0 (i.e. used from SMEs for the SHAPE activity, or as stepping stone towards Tier-0 systems, or to prototypes and asses new operational services). These Tier-1 systems are distributed among 16 different countries, ensuring a wide distribution of the European HPC eco-system. A new version of the PRACE Service Catalogue, which describes the PRACE common services, has been submitted for approval by the PRACE BoD to further guide the operational activity. The Service Catalogue represents a living document and, as a result of the successful evaluation in the first reporting period of PRACE-5IP, it will be revised during the second reporting period. Based on the procedures for incident and change management the complete set of PRACE common services as defined in the Service Catalogue (Networking, Data, Compute, AAA and Security, User, Monitoring and Generic) have been operated and monitored on a day-by-day basis to assure continuity and integrity of the services. The Security Forum, responsible for all security related activities, is also coordinated by Task 6.1, with periodic teleconferences to monitor the infrastructure and prevent possible incidents which could cause vulnerability on the PRACE RI.
Databáze: OpenAIRE