The Sender’s and Carrier’s Obligations Concerning Customs and Other Formalities According to the CMR Convention

Autor: Nikoleta Radionov, Adriana Vincenca Padovan
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Poredbeno pomorsko pravo
Volume 61
Issue 176
ISSN: 1331-9914
Popis: U ovom članku izučavaju se obveze i odgovornosti pošiljatelja i prijevoznika u pogledu nužnih isprava i podataka za potrebe carinskih i drugih postupaka koji se moraju obaviti prije isporuke robe u smislu članka 11. Konvencije CMR. Komparativnom analizom odgovarajuće sudske prakse u državama članicama Konvencije CMR te međunarodno relevantne pravne doktrine, autorice identificiraju moguće probleme u primjeni predmetnih odredbi Konvencije CMR te pronalaze primjerena rješenja radi uniformnog tumačenja Konvencije CMR na međunarodnoj razini i podizanja razine pravne sigurnosti za sve dionike s određenim pravnim interesom u odnosu na ugovor o međunarodnom prijevozu robe cestom. Autorice donose i poseban osvrt na dosadašnju domaću sudsku praksu primjene članka 11. Konvencije CMR te sugeriraju odgovarajuća rješenja u kontekstu hrvatskog prava kad je ono mjerodavno za ugovor o međunarodnom prijevozu robe cestom.
This article examines the obligations and liabilities of the parties to a contract of international carriage of goods by road with regard to the necessary documents and information for the purposes of customs and other procedures that must be performed before the delivery of goods within the meaning of Article 11 of the CMR Convention. Through a comparative analysis of the respective case law in the CMR member states and of the internationally relevant legal doctrine, the authors identify possible problems in applying the relevant provisions of the CMR Convention and find appropriate solutions to uniformly interpret the CMR Convention at the international level. Ultimately, the aim is to increase legal certainty for all stakeholders with a material interest in relation to a contract for the international carriage of goods by road. The authors pay special attention to the current domestic case law on the application of Article 11 of the CMR Convention and suggest appropriate solutions in the context of Croatian law when it applies to a contract for the international carriage of goods by road.
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