Linearized and Compensated Interferometric System for High-Velocity Traceable Length Calibration on a Metre Scale

Autor: Zdenek Matej, Petr Jedlička, Ondrej Herman, Miroslava Holá, Michal Jelínek, Bretislav Mikel, Ondrej Cip, Josef Lazar, Simon Rerucha
Rok vydání: 2019
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.1905.00778
Popis: We report on a traceable calibration system for a 3500mm-long console that carries a measurement system for inspecting the diameter of a circular reactor chassis. The system uses two single-pass laser interferometers with homodyne fringe detection for measurement in two degrees of freedom. The hybrid FPGA-microcontroller control module carries out the fringe detection together with the application-specific scale linearization approach and the compensation of environmental influences such as thermal elongation and the refractive index of air fluctuations. We demonstrated the system feasibility with an accuracy of a few microns and translation velocity higher than 0:1 metre per second.
Comment: CPS 2018, Lednice, CZ, September 2018 7 pages, 8 figures
Databáze: OpenAIRE