Olfactory bulbectomy disrupts the expression of cocaine-induced conditioned place preference

Autor: Martin D. Schechter, Daniel J. Calcagnetti, Lucy A. Quatrella
Rok vydání: 1996
Zdroj: Physiologybehavior. 59(4-5)
ISSN: 0031-9384
Popis: The role of the olfactory sense in the expression of cocaine-induced conditioned place preference (CPP) was examined in adult male rats (n = 35) of the N/Nih strain. Consistent with the scientific literature, rats were observed to significantly (p < 0.05) increase (double) the seconds spent in their least-preferred chamber following cocaine-chamber pairings. Subsequently, groups of rats underwent one of three treatments: 1) olfactory bulbectomy (BULBX), 2) sham surgery (SHAM), or 3) sham surgery plus intranasal zinc sulfate perfusion (ZnSO4). Zinc sulfate was used to produce a temporary loss of olfaction. In a separate behavioral measure of olfactory acuity, both BULBX and ZnSO4-treated rats performed at an equally deficient level, in contrast to SHAM-treated rats that were not rendered anosmic. A second conditioned place preference test revealed that the ZnSO4-perfused and SHAM groups did not differ from their original postcocaine preference measurements. In contrast, the BULBX group spent significantly fewer seconds in the cocaine-paired chamber. After a 14-day interval, a third preference test revealed that SHAM and ZnSO4-treated rats displayed an equivalent preference for the cocaine-paired chamber (at 2.7 times above baseline). Interestingly, the seconds spent in the cocaine-paired chamber by BULBX rats did not differ from their baseline (e.g., precocaine exposure). These results suggest that bulbectomy disrupts the expression of cocaine-induced place preference. Interpretations of data from BULBX rats involving the production of an anhedonic condition and the relevance of olfactory bulbectomy as an animal model of anhedonic depression are discussed.
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