Age-specific and sex-specific weight gain norms to monitor antiretroviral therapy in children in low-income and middle-income countries

Autor: Jamie E. Newman, Valériane Leroy, Sikiratou Koumakpai, Frieda Behets, Mary-Ann Davies, Marcel Yotebieng, Azar Kariminia, Rita Lyamuya, Kapella Zacharia Ngonyani, Rawiwan Hansudewechakul, Olivia Keiser, Annelies Van Rie, Tammy Meyers
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Yotebieng, Marcel; Meyers, Tammy; Behets, Frieda; Davies, Mary-Ann; Keiser, Olivia; Ngonyani, Kapella Zacharia; Lyamuya, Rita E; Kariminia, Azar; Hansudewechakul, Rawiwan; Leroy, Valeriane; Koumakpai, Sikiratou; Newman, Jamie; Van Rie, Annelies (2015). Age-specific and sex-specific weight gain norms to monitor antiretroviral therapy in children in low-income and middle-income countries. AIDS, 29(1), pp. 101-109. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 10.1097/QAD.0000000000000506
ISSN: 0269-9370
Popis: BACKGROUND Viral load and CD4% are often not available in resource-limited settings for monitoring children's responses to antiretroviral therapy (ART). We aimed to construct normative curves for weight gain at 6, 12, 18, and 24 months following initiation of ART in children, and to assess the association between poor weight gain and subsequent responses to ART. DESIGN Analysis of data from HIV-infected children younger than 10 years old from African and Asian clinics participating in the International epidemiologic Databases to Evaluate AIDS. METHODS The generalized additive model for location, scale, and shape was used to construct normative percentile curves for weight gain at 6, 12, 18, and 24 months following ART initiation. Cox proportional models were used to assess the association between lower percentiles (
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