Electrochemical deposition and characterization of Zn-Fe alloys

Autor: B Jelena Bajat, M Dragutin Drazic, B Vesna Miskovic-Stankovic, P Slavica Zec, D Miodrag Maksimovic
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society
Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, Vol 69, Iss 10, Pp 807-815 (2004)
Popis: Zn–Fe alloy electrochemically deposited on steel under various deposition conditions were investigated using anodic linear sweep voltammetry (ALSV) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis for phase structure determination, energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis for determination of chemical composition and polarization measurements and open circuit potential measurements for determination of corrosion properties. The influence of deposition current density on the chemical composition, phase structure and corrosion stability of Zn–Fe alloys was studied. It was shown that deposition current density strongly affects the corrosion stability of Zn–Fe alloys, while Zn–Fe alloy electrodeposited at 4Adm-2 exhibited the lowest corrosion rate. Legure Zn–Fe elektrohemijski taložene na čeliku pod različitim uslovima ispitivane su primenom anodne linearne promene potencijala i difrakcije X-zraka, za određivanje fazne strukture, spektroskopije energetski dispergovanih X-zraka, za određivanje hemijskog sastava i polarizacionih merenja kao i merenja potencijala otvorenog kola, za određivanje korozione stabilnosti. Proučavan je uticaj gustine struje taloženja na hemijski sastav fazne strukture i korozionu stabilnost Zn–Fe legura. Pokazano je da gustina struje taloženja veoma utiče na korozionu stabilnost Zn–Fe legura, i da legura taložena gustinom struje od 4 Adm-2 ima najmanju brzinu korozije.
Databáze: OpenAIRE