Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Сторінки історії : збірник наукових праць, Вип. 54
ISSN: 2411-0647
DOI: 10.20535/2307-5244.54.2022.264564
Popis: У статті висвітлено джерела прибутку галицьких греко-католицьких дяків, охарактеризовано їх матеріальне становище наприкінці ХІХ ст., вказано причини невдоволення співців умовами оплати своєї праці, зосереджено увагу на пропозиціях щодо матеріального забезпечення дяків, описано спільні акції представників цієї соціальної групи та їх результати. At the end of the 19th century the problem of financial support of the greek-catholic cantors in Galicia became urgent. At that time the maintenance of this social stratum was based on voluntary donations from religious communi ties. Such a situation created extraordinarily difficult material circumstances for the cantors. Often they had to ask for their earnings from parishioners, to think about changing their place of work or changing their profession in general. All these factors led to a sharp decline in the qualification of cantors. This, in turn, had a very negative impact on the level of church service. As a result, in the 1880s cantors began to speak actively about the need to reorganize the mechanism of financial security of their stratum. The goal of this research is to describe the financial situation of the cantors at end of the 19th century. The realization of this goal implied the fulfillment of such tasks: find out the sources of income of this social group; investigate the specifics of legislative regulation of the cantors’ income; clarify the requirements to cantors for earning the income; analyze the activities of church servants to ful fill these requirements. The urgency of the work is determined by the fact that the problem of material support for cantors in the late 19th century has not yet been scrutinized as the subject of special study. In this article, the authors used the methods of analysis, synthesis, retrospection, and tools of the statistical method. The issue of the financial income for the cantors gained special importance in the 1890s. The impetus for this was reform of the law “About church compe tition”. The cantors wanted authorities to introduce a clear state salary and the opportunity to receive it in the cash desks of tax governments. In the fight for their rights the representatives of this stratum have demonstrated high consoli dation and persistence. Thanks to this, they achieved a greater quota for church servants in the government bodies. However, these innovations essentially did not satisfy the demands of the cantors and did not improve the material security of the strata. However, the cantors didn’t stop organizing the actions of struggle. At the beginning of the 20th century, the problem of material security remained one of the most pressing problems in the life of the cantors’ strata.
Databáze: OpenAIRE