Health-Related Quality of Life in Children with Asthma from Different Ethnic Origins

Autor: Q. M. Van Dellen, K. Stronks, P. J. E. Bindels, F. G. Öry, J. Bruil, W. M. C. Van Aalderen, null The Peace Study Group
Přispěvatelé: Amsterdam Public Health, Public and occupational health, Other Research, General practice, Amsterdam institute for Infection and Immunity, Paediatric Pulmonology
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: Journal of asthma, 44(2), 125-131. Informa Healthcare
ISSN: 1532-4303
Popis: This study aimed to identify and explain differences in health-related quality of life (QoL) between immigrant and non-immigrant children with asthma. In 274 children (7-17 years of age) generic and asthma-related QoL were assessed. The association between ethnicity and QoL was studied in linear regression model analyses. For the asthma-related QoL, unadjusted analyses showed significant ethnic differences. The non-immigrant children had the highest scores, which implies a better QoL. After adjusting for asthma control and socioeconomic status (SES), ethnic differences disappeared. These results suggest that immigrant children have a similar QoL to that of non-immigrant children from a comparable SES, when their asthma is under control. Copyright © 2007 Informa Healthcare.
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