Aerodynamic forces on the roofs of low-, mid- and high-rise buildings subject to transient winds

Autor: Mark Sterling, Christopher Baker, Chris Letchford, Michael Jesson
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics. 143:42-49
ISSN: 0167-6105
DOI: 10.1016/j.jweia.2015.04.020
Popis: Transient winds, such as thunderstorm downbursts, are the cause of design-load wind speeds in manycountries. An understanding of the loading experienced by buildings during a downburst is thereforeimportant to allow well designed and engineered buildings to be constructed. In contrast to boundarylayer winds, the maximum wind speed in thunderstorm downbursts occurs as low as z m ¼30 m abovethe ground, within the range of heights of man-made structures, suggesting that the wind loading will bedependent on the building eaves height relative to z m . In a novel set of experiments, the University ofBirmingham Transient Wind Simulator (a 1 m diameter impinging jet with aperture control) has beenused to simulate a downburst striking buildings of different heights, ranging from below to above z m .Two forms of building have been used – a square-plan, flat-roofed structure, and a rectangular, portal-frame – at three angles (0°,45° and 90°) relative to the radial wind direction. Pressure coefficients havebeen calculated (using eaves height velocity) over the roofs of these buildings, and are shown to be ofgreatest magnitude when the roof is above the region of maximum outflow velocity, with the exceptionof windward edges perpendicular to the flow, when they are generally greatest for the lowest buildingheights.& 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license(
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