Perilaku Gumunan: Memperluas Kajian Perilaku Pemilih Jawa

Autor: Hilmy Mochtar, Wawan Sobari, Arga Sevtyan
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: POLITICO; Vol 18, No 2 (2018): Jurnal POLITICO Fisipol
ISSN: 1829-6696
DOI: 10.32528/politico.v18i2
Popis: Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengkaji perilaku pemilih masyarakat jawa dengan metode kualitatif studi kasus Pemilukada di Kabupaten Trenggalek tahun 2015. Penelitian terdahulu yang mengkaji perilaku pemilih masyarakat jawa di Indonesia adalah Geertz (1960) dan Gaffar(1992). Dinyatakan bahwa perilaku memilih melalui pendekatan politik aliran dengan orientasi memilih sosio relijius dan sosio personal. Sobari (2016) menyatakan bahwa perilaku pemilih berdasarkan pendekatan orientasi kelompok dalam masyarakat jawa. Artikel tersebut melihat perilaku pemilih jawa melalui pendekatan sosio kultur masyarakat jawa. Pemilukada Kabupaten Trenggalek 2015 dimenangkan oleh pasangan Emil Elestianto dan Mochamad Nur Arifin sebagai penantang petahana. Masyarakat Trenggalek mayoritas adalah suku jawa yang menganut budaya mataraman dengan nilai feodalistik. Perilaku “gumunan” merupakan temuan unik dalam memperluas tentang kajian perilaku pemilih jawa. Budaya sikap “gumunan” falsafah jawa bermakna mudah kagum dan heran pada kekayaan, kecerdasan, kebangsawanan orang lain. Konteks Pemilukada Trenggalek perilaku pemilih “gumunan” berarti masyarakat cenderung mudah terkesan pada janji kampanye serta penampilan luar kandidat namun tidak dapat menilai apakah itu rasional atau tidak bagi kesejahteraan. Sikap “gumunan” dipengaruhi perilaku afektif meliputi cara menilai sesuatu dengan emosional, seperti perasaan, nilai, penghargaan, antusiasme, motivasi, dan sikap. Hal tersebut mejadikan rasionalitas semu pada pemilih jawa. Kata Kunci: Perilaku Pemilih, Pemilih Jawa, Falsafah Jawa, Pemilukada, Mataraman ABSTRACT The voters behavior in Javanese society becomes a review in this article. The purpose of this article is to expand the study of Javanese voter behavior. This research used qualitative method using case study approach at General Election of Trenggalek Regency in 2015. Previously there were many scientists that discussed about voter behavior in Indonesia especially in Javanese society such as Geertz (1960) and Gaffar (1992). Both explain the behavior of choosing through the “politik aliran” approach with the orientation of choosing socio-religious and socio-personal. Another opinion about the behavior of Javanese voters put forward by Sobari (2016) which explained voter behavior based on group orientation approach in Javanese society. This article tries to capture the behavior of Javanese voters through socio-cultural approach in Javanese society. This study was conducted on the General Election of Trenggalek in 2015 was won by Emil Elestianto and Mochamad Nur Arifin as incumbent challengers. In Trenggalek,Majority civilian is Javanese tribe who embrace the culture of mataraman with feudalistic value. The behavior of "gumunan" is a unique finding in expanding on the study of Javanese voter behavior. "Gumunan" attitudes in the philosophy of life in Javanese people means easily amazed and marveled at the wealth, intelligence, nobility of others. In the context of General Election of Trenggalek, voter behavior of "gumunan" means people tend to be easily impressed by campaign promises and outside appearance of the candidate but unable to assess whether it is rational or not for welfare. " G umunan" was influenced by the affective behavior, including how to judge things emotionally, such as feelings, values, appreciation, enthusiasm, motivation, and attitude .This makes a pseudo rationality in Javanese voters. Key words: Voter Behavior, Local Election, Javanese Voters, Javanese Philosophy, Mataraman
Databáze: OpenAIRE