Evolution of an Alpine proglacial river during 7 decades of deglaciation

Autor: Livia Piermattei, Tobias Heckmann, Sarah Betz-Nutz, Moritz Altmann, Jakob Rom, Fabian Fleischer, Manuel Stark, Florian Haas, Camillo Ressl, Michael H. Wimmer, Norbert Pfeifer, Michael Becht
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2023
ISSN: 2196-632X
Popis: Alpine rivers have experienced considerable changes in channel morphology over the last century. Natural factors and human disturbance are the main drivers of changes in channel morphology that modify natural sediment and flow regimes at local, catchment, and regional scales. In glaciated catchments, river sediment loads are likely to increase due to increasing snowmelt and glacier melt runoff, facilitated by climate change. Additionally, channel erosion and depositional dynamics and patterns are influenced by sediment delivery from hillslopes and sediment in the forefields of retreating glaciers. In order to reliably assess the magnitudes of the channel-changing processes and their frequencies due to recent climate change, the investigation period needs to be extended to the last century, ideally back to the end of the Little Ice Age. Moreover, a high temporal resolution is required to account for the history of changes in channel morphology and for better detection and interpretation of related processes. The increasing availability of digitised historical aerial images and advancements in digital photogrammetry provide the basis for reconstructing and assessing the long-term evolution of the surface, in terms of both planimetric mapping and the generation of historical digital elevation models (DEMs). The main issue of current studies is the lack of information over a longer period. Therefore, this study contributes to research on fluvial sediment changes by estimating the sediment balance of a main Alpine river (Fagge) in a glaciated catchment (Kaunertal, Austria) over 19 survey periods from 1953 to 2019. Exploiting the potential of historical multi-temporal DEMs combined with recent topographic data, we quantify 66 years of geomorphic change within the active floodplain, including erosion, deposition, and the amounts of mobilised sediment. Our study focuses on a proglacial river that is undergoing a transition phase, resulting from an extensive glacier retreat of approximately 1.8 km. This has led to the formation of new channel networks and an overall negative cumulative sediment balance for the entire study area. We found that high-magnitude meteorological and hydrological events associated with local glacier retreats have a significant impact on the sediment balance. The gauge record indicates an increase in such events, as well as in runoff and probably in sediment transport capacity. Despite this, the sediment supply has declined in the last decade, which can be attributed to a lower contribution of the lateral moraines coupled to the channel network and less sediment sourced from the melting Gepatsch Glacier as evidenced by roches moutonnées exposed in the current/most recent forefield. Nonetheless, we observed significant erosion in the tributary, leading to the transport of sediment downstream. Overall, this study enhances our understanding of the complexity of sediment dynamics in proglacial rivers across various spatial and temporal scales and their relationship to climate change factors.
Databáze: OpenAIRE