Ühendverbidest läbi prosoodia prisma

Autor: Heete Sahkai, Ann Veismann
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Eesti Rakenduslingvistika Ühingu Aastaraamat, Vol 12, Pp 269-285 (2016)
ISSN: 2228-0677
Popis: Artiklis on vaatluse all eesti keele uhendverbid ja nende suntaktiline staatus. Esmalt on valja toodud peamised probleemid uhendverbide senisel maaratlemisel eesti keeles (uhendverbide eristamine valjendverbidest, afiksaaladverb kui eraldiseisev sonaliik, uhendverbide klassi sisemine heterogeensus), seejarel keskendume kusimusele, kuidas on kasitletud uhendverbe lausemoodustajatena. Toome valja kaks peamist seisukohta: koik uhendverbid moodustavad suntaktiliselt lahutamatu terviku (maarates lausemalli) voi uhendverbide suntaktiline staatus soltub sellest, kas tegemist on ainukordsete voi korraparaste uhendverbidega. Pogusalt puudutame sama kusimust ka teiste keelte naitel. Artiklis on esitatud nii teoreetiline kui ka metodoloogiline uurimiskusimus, kuidas uhendverbide suntaktilist staatust maaratleda. Metodoloogiliselt on oluline naidata, et prosoodia abil saab selgitada suntaktilise struktuuri kusimusi. Teoreetilisest seisukohast naitame, kuidas prosoodia andmed kinnitavad kontiinumi, mis valitseb selgelt liitsete verbivormide ja fraaside vahel (st leksikoni ja suntaksi vahel). Particle verbs and prosody This paper investigates a class of verb-particle combinations in Estonian and their status as particle verbs vs. syntactic phrases. The paper first gives a brief overview of the main difficulties with defining and classifying particle verbs in Estonian (the difference between noun-verb combinations and adverb-verb combinations; verbal particle ( afiksaaladverb ) as a separate word class in Estonian, etc.). The second part of the paper presents the results of a prosodic study. The study has two primary aims: 1. To ascertain whether we can use prosody to investigate the grammatical status of verb-particle combinations, and 2. to contribute to the discussion of the lexical vs. syntactic nature of compositional verb-particle combinations in Estonian. The results of the study suggest that complex predicates and syntactics phrases are prosodically different, and, consequently, that prosodic analysis can be used as a method to study the lexical vs. phrasal status of verb-particle combinations. As to the status of compositional verb-particle combinations, the results support their treatment as complex predicates rather than phrases. The results further suggest that elements that are intermediate between lexicon and syntax may also be in some sense located on a prosodic continuum.
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