Embedding as a key Board-Level Technology for Modularization and Circular Design of Smart Mobile Products: Environmental Assessment

Autor: Dionysios Manessis, Tobias Kupka, Gerhard Podhradsky, Rainer Pamminger, Jakub Pawlikowski, Nils F. Nissen, Martin Schneider-Ramelow, Karsten Schischke, Thomas Krivec, Klaus-Dieter Lang, Sebastian Glaser
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: 2019 22nd European Microelectronics and Packaging Conference & Exhibition (EMPC)
DOI: 10.23919/empc44848.2019.8951816
Popis: Embedding technologies for heterogeneous integration of active and passive components are a promising approach for functional modules on the printed circuit board level. Modularity and embedding related miniaturization are key enablers for some upcoming trends in a Circular Economy: Better serviceability and reparability of devices, reduced material consumption, lower printed circuit board production impacts due to “outsourcing” of complex functionality to smaller modules, resilience of the product platform against component obsolescence for longer product life cycles, potentially increased reliability of embedded components. For a broader framing of the modularity discussion, this paper also gives an outlook on other modular approaches in the field of mobile devices and smartphones in particular. The embedding technology with its miniaturization potential might reduce the total environmental impacts of manufacturing printed circuit board assemblies, supporting Circular Economy strategies. The additional environmental footprint of modularising a smartphone in a way done by Fairphone increases the manufacturing-related greenhouse gas emissions by 4,6%. Embedding – targeting at a better serviceability, but not necessarily simplifying do-it- yourself repairs – only slightly increases the carbon footprint in absolute terms. In case of a digital voice recorder this additional carbon footprint is 0,66 kg CO 2 -eq. compared to an add-on of 1,64 kg CO 2 -eq. for Fairphone ’s modularization approach.
Databáze: OpenAIRE