TECNOLOGIA, COMPETITIVIDADE E REGULAÇÃO: a estruturação do mercado das telecomunicações no Brasil

Autor: Daniel Gustavo Mocelin, Régis Leonardo Gusmão Barcelos
Rok vydání: 2013
Cultural Studies
Factor market
technological innovations
Sociology and Political Science
Governmental political decisions
Concurrence commerciale
Concorrência comercial
Market regulation
Decisões políticas governamentais
Mercado de telecomunicações
Domestic market
Regulação dos mercados
Telecommunications market
Décisions politiques gouvernementales
Market forces
Political science
lcsh:Social sciences (General)
governmental political decisions
Industrial organization
telecommunications market
Market competition
commercial competitiveness
Inovações tecnológicas
Commercial competitiveness
Régulation des marchés
Innovations technologiques
market regulation
Marché des télécommunications
Technological innovations
Zdroj: Repositório Institucional da UFRGS
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)
Caderno CRH, Vol 25, Iss 66, Pp 409-432
Caderno CRH v.25 n.66 2012
Caderno CRH
Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA)
Caderno CRH, Volume: 25, Issue: 66, Pages: 409-432, Published: DEC 2012
ISSN: 1983-8239
DOI: 10.9771/ccrh.v25i66.19422
Popis: O estudo analisa a importância da dimensao politico-institucional e da incorporacao de iniciativas pro-competitividade entre atores politicos e agentes empresariais para alavancar o desempenho dos mercados. Argumenta-se que a chave explicativa para compreender a estruturacao do novo mercado de telecomunicacoes no Brasil foi um esforco coordenado de decisoes politicas governamentais e de forcas de mercado, desencadeado (1) no contexto global da revolucao tecnologica da industria de telecomunicacoes e (2) no contexto politico-nacional de ampliacao do mercado interno e internacionalizacao da economia. A partir de 1998, com o fim do monopolio estatal no Brasil, forjou-se, no setor de telecomunicacoes, um ambiente de inovacoes tecnologicas, liberalizacao comercial e concorrencia de mercado. Nesse novo ambiente, o Estado assumiu papel de regulador: acoes politicas continuas e vigilância visaram a incentivar investimentos e promover a reconfiguracao do setor. Apos decadas da incapacidade estrutural, tanto tecnologica como sociopolitica, para construir um mercado latente de telecomunicacoes, frente a historica demanda reprimida por telefonia, o Brasil assumiu posicao de destaque no mercado global de servicos informacionais, especialmente no que se refere ao volume do mercado e a qualidade dos servicos. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Mercado de telecomunicacoes. Inovacoes tecnologicas. Decisoes politicas governamentais. Regulacao dos mercados. Concorrencia comercial. TECHNOLOGY, COMPETITIVENESS AND REGULATION: the structuring of the telecommunications market in Brazil Daniel Gustavo Mocelin Regis Leonardo Gusmao Barcelos This study analyzes the importance of the political-institutional dimension and of the incorporation of pro-competition initiatives between political actors and company agents to boost market performance. It may be argued that the key to understanding the structuring of the new telecommunications market in Brazil was a coordinated effort of political decisions by the government and of market forces unleashed (1) in the global context of the technology revolution in the telecommunications industry and (2) in the political-national context of domestic market expansion and the internalization of the economy. Starting in 1998, with the end of the state monopoly in Brazil, there began an environment of technological innovations, commercial liberalization and market competition. In this new scenario, the State played the role of regulator: continual political actions and vigilance aimed to encourage investments and promote the sector’s reconfiguration. After decades of lack of structural capacity, both technological and sociopolitical, in order to establish a potential telecommunications market, due to the history of repressed demands for telephones, Brazil began to occupy an important position in the global information services market, especially in market volume and quality of services. KEY WORDS: telecommunications market, technological innovations, governmental political decisions, market regulation, commercial competitiveness. TECHNOLOGIE, COMPETITIVITE ET REGULATION: la structuration du marche des telecommunications au Bresil Daniel Gustavo Mocelin Regis Leonardo Gusmao Barcelos Cette etude est l’analyse de l’importance de la dimension politico-institutionnelle et de la jonction d’initiatives pro-competitivite entre acteurs politiques et entrepreneurs pour faire demarrer les marches. On y avance les arguments selon lesquels la cle qui permet de comprendre la structuration du nouveau marche des telecommunications au Bresil correspond a un effort coordonne de decisions politiques du gouvernement et de forces du marche qui ont eu lieu (1) dans le contexte mondial de la revolution technologique de l’industrie des telecommunications et (2) dans le contexte politique et national d’expansion du marche interne et de l’internationalisation de l’economie. A partir de 1998 un climat d’innovations technologiques, de liberalisation commerciale et de libre marche a ete implante dans le secteur des telecommunications au Bresil, en vue d’un monopole d’etat. Dans le cadre de cette nouvelle realite, l’Etat a assume un role regulateur: actions politiques continues et controle tendaient a encourager les investissements et a promouvoir une reconfiguration du secteur. Apres des decennies d’ incapacite structurale, autant technologique que sociopolitique, pour construire un marche latent de telecommunications, face a une demande historique refrenee en matiere de telephonie, le Bresil a su s’imposer sur le marche mondial des services informels, en particulier en ce qui concerne le volume du marche et la qualite des services. MOTS-CLES: Marche des telecommunications; innovations technologiques; decisions politiques gouvernementales; regulation des marches; concurrence commerciale. Publicacao Online do Caderno CRH no Scielo: http://www.scielo.br/ccrh Publicacao Online do Caderno CRH: http://www.cadernocrh.ufba.br
Databáze: OpenAIRE