Infrared Yang-Mills wave functional due to percolating center vortices

Autor: D. R. Junior, L. E. Oxman, H. Reinhardt
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Physical Review
ISSN: 2470-0029
Popis: Inspired by the center-vortex dominance in the infrared sector of SU(N) Yang-Mills theory observed on the lattice, we propose a vacuum wave functional localized on an ensemble of correlated center vortices endowed with stiffness and magnetic monopoles that change the orientation of the vortex flux. In the electric-field representation, this wave functional becomes an effective partition function for N complex scalar fields. The inclusion of both oriented and nonoriented vortices as well as so-called N-vortex matchings leads to an effective potential that has only a center symmetry left. In the center-vortex condensed phase, this symmetry is spontaneously broken. In this case, the Wilson loop average can be approximated by a solitonic saddle point localized around the minimal surface. The asymptotic string tension thus obtained displays Casimir scaling.
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