Immunochemical Nature of Receptors of Pseudotuberculosis Diagnostic Bacteriophage

Autor: A. A. Byvalov, I. V. Konyshev, S. G. Litvinets, L. G. Dudina, E. A. Martinson
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 160:672-674
ISSN: 1573-8221
Popis: The effect of treatment of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis cells with antibodies of various specificities on adhesiveness of pseudotuberculosis bacteriophage was analyzed by competitive inhibition technique. Bacteriophage adsorption to bacteria was sterically inhibited by monoclonal antibodies to protein epitopes of Y. pseudotuberculosis outer membrane. These results suggest that receptors of pseudotuberculosis diagnostic bacteriophage are localized on the LPS core of microbial cell.
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