Social Interaction and Pain Threshold in Virtual Reality

Autor: Andrea Stevenson Won, Kaylee Payne Kruzan, Swati Pandita
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Cyberpsychol Behav Soc Netw
Popis: This experiment examined the effects of social presence and perceived location of a virtual environment on participants' pain thresholds in a preregistered, within-subjects experiment. First, we examined the effects of social interaction versus being alone in a virtual environment. Second, we compared a virtual environment representing a remote location to a replication of the laboratory environment. Social interaction predicted increased pain tolerance, but there was no effect of the "location" of the virtual environment. To our knowledge, this research project is the first to use real-time social interaction in virtual reality as a distractor for experimental thermal pain, and the first to examine the potential interaction between social interaction and transportation to different virtual locations. While this task is not directly analogous to the experience of pain in a medical setting, this preliminary study indicates future avenues for patient treatment. Clinical Trial Registration number: 1701006910.
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