Convulsive seizures and EEG spikes after lateral fluid-percussion injury in the rat

Autor: Thomas F. Rau, Debbie Smith, Austin Poulsen, David Poulsen, Ziven MacWilliams, William Kelly, David A. Patterson
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Epilepsy Research. 147:87-94
ISSN: 0920-1211
Popis: The rat lateral fluid-percussion injury (FPI) model has been used extensively to study post-traumatic epilepsy (PTE). Epidemiological studies have reported that the risk of PTE is higher after more severe injury. Adult, male Wistar rats subjected to different atmospheric pressures of injury during FPI showed great variability in injury severity when functional behavior was determined based on the Neurological Severity Score (NSS) assessment. When NSS was used to select rats with the most severe FPI-induced brain injury, 63% of rats experienced at least one convulsive seizure 2-5 weeks after FPI. This same cohort of rats (i.e., selected for severe TBI based on NSS) were significantly more susceptible to PTZ-induced seizures compared to sham controls. Video/EEG recordings from a second cohort of rats with severe FPI-induced injury (based on NSS) showed a similar incidence and frequency of spike wave discharges between rats with severe TBI and sham controls. However, the rate of isolated EEG spikes was greater in rats with severe FPI-induced injury compared to sham controls. These data suggest that convulsive seizures can be obtained in FPI-treated rats when NSS is used as an inclusion criterion to select rats with severe injury. Furthermore, although spike-wave discharges were equally prevalent in rats with severe FPI and sham controls, spontaneous spikes were more prevalent in the rats with severe FPI.
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