Ransomware: An Interdisciplinary Technical and Legal Approach

Autor: Pedro García-Teodoro, Margarita Robles Carrillo
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Security and Communication Networks.
ISSN: 1939-0114
DOI: 10.1155/2022/2806605
Popis: Ransomware constitutes a prevalent global cybersecurity threat since several years ago, but it is almost pandemic at present. To a larger extent, the growth of this criminal practice is due to its high economic efficiency and high degree of impunity. Efficiency in general is mainly a consequence of its high and sophisticated technical development more varieties, more devices to use it on and more functional complexity, while impunity is mostly the result of shortcomings and gaps in legal regulation. However, both of the aspects are closely related, as combating ransomware requires adopting and integrating technical solutions and legal sanctions with an interdisciplinary approach. Regretfully, the analyze of the ransomware’s background, theoretical framework and practice shows a vast majority of technical proposals and a lack of either interdisciplinary or legal studies. +e technical as well as the legal dimensions of ransomware need to be addressed to properly understand the scope and nature of the problem and its potential solutions. Following this approach, some basic guidelines about defense, mitigation and sanction methods are proposed in order to reach a feasible response to the challenge of defeating ransomware. +ese include the definition of ransomware as an autonomous offence. After setting out the main results of the doctrine, the conclusion section specifies the solutions drawn from such an interdisciplinary technical-legal approach.
Spanish Government
European Commission PID2020-114495RB-I00
Databáze: OpenAIRE