Autor: John C. Wright, Zhengfeng Ji, Henry Yuen, Anand Natarajan, Thomas Vidick
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Communications of the ACM. 64:131-138
ISSN: 1557-7317
Popis: Note from the Research Highlights Co-Chairs: A Research Highlights paper appearing in Communications is usually peer-reviewed prior to publication. The following paper is unusual in that it is still under review. However, the result has generated enormous excitement in the research community, and came strongly nominated by SIGACT, a nomination seconded by external reviewers. The complexity class NP characterizes the collection of computational problems that have efficiently verifiable solutions. With the goal of classifying computational problems that seem to lie beyond NP, starting in the 1980s complexity theorists have considered extensions of the notion of efficient verification that allow for the use of randomness (the class MA), interaction (the class IP), and the possibility to interact with multiple proofs, or provers (the class MIP). The study of these extensions led to the celebrated PCP theorem and its applications to hardness of approximation and the design of cryptographic protocols. In this work, we study a fourth modification to the notion of efficient verification that originates in the study of quantum entanglement. We prove the surprising result that every problem that is recursively enumerable, including the Halting problem, can be efficiently verified by a classical probabilistic polynomial-time verifier interacting with two all-powerful but noncommunicating provers sharing entanglement. The result resolves long-standing open problems in the foundations of quantum mechanics (Tsirelson's problem) and operator algebras (Connes' embedding problem).
Databáze: OpenAIRE