Smoking and Stress: Cigarettes and Marihuana

Autor: David Lester, Nicole McCann
Rok vydání: 1996
Zdroj: Psychological Reports. 79:366-366
ISSN: 1558-691X
Popis: Summary.--In a sample of 88 undergraduates, smoking cigarettes and marihuana was associared with more recent stressful events, while smoking cigarettes was associated with higher scores on Type A personality. To explore whether smokers differed from nonsmokers on scores for stress and Type A personality, 88 undergraduate students at a state college (Mage=24.3 yr,, SD=6.7; 57% male) were administered an anonymous questionnaire which inquired about their smoking behavior and included a stress scale asking about events during the last six months (Insel & Roth, 1991; M = 209.8, SD = 126.8) and a measure of Type A behavior (Goldberg, 1978; M=77.9, SD=8.1). Sex and age were not related to the measures. Smokmg cigarettes was associated with stress scores (point biserial r =.61, p
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