Problemi di gusto. Hume e Dorfles

Autor: Mecacci, Andrea
Jazyk: italština
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Materiali di Estetica. Terza serie; N. 6.1 (2019): Gillo Dorfles. L'estetica al plurale
ISSN: 2283-558X
DOI: 10.13130/mde.v0i6.1.12004
Popis: The essay aims to highlight the links between Dorfles’ Le oscillazioni del gusto (The Oscillations of Taste) (1958 and 1970) and David Hume’s classic essay Of the Standard of Taste (1757). Taste becomes the core of aesthetic experience, making the relationship between subjectivity and shared values problematic, but necessary. Like Hume, Dorfles also conceives taste, despite its variety and variability, as a process of cultural exercising that finds its operative grammar in the balance between facility and novelty and in the dimension of delicacy.
Materiali di Estetica. Terza serie, N. 6.1 (2019): Gillo Dorfles. L'estetica al plurale
Databáze: OpenAIRE