Intestinal anti-inflammatory activity of dietary fiber (Plantago ovata seeds) in HLA-B27 transgenic rats

Autor: Olga Martínez-Augustin, M. D. Lorente, Julio Gálvez, Ángel Concha, Desirée Camuesco, Antonio Zarzuelo, L. Redondo, María Elena Rodríguez-Cabezas
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: Clinical nutrition (Edinburgh, Scotland). 22(5)
ISSN: 0261-5614
Popis: Background & aims: Dietary ¢ber has been proven to be bene¢cial in maintaining remission in human ulcera- tive colitis, an eiect related with an increased luminal production of short-chain fatty acids (SCFA). The aim of the pre- sent study was to further investigate the mechanisms involved in the intestinal anti-in£ammatory eiects of dietary ¢ber in an experimental model of rat colitis. Methods: HLA-B27 transgenic rats (8^10 weeks old) were fed a ¢ber-supplemented diet (5% Plantago ovata seeds) for 13 weeks before evaluation of the colonic in£ammatory status, both histologically and biochemically. The luminal colonic production of SCFA was quanti¢ed. In vitro studies were also performed to test the interaction between two SCFA (butyrate and propionate) as inhibitors of cytokine production inTHP-1cells. Results: Dietary ¢ber supplementation ameliorated the development of colonic in£ammation in transgenic rats as evi- denced by an improvement of intestinal cytoarchitecture.This eiect was associated with a decrease in some of the pro- in£ammatory mediators involvedin the in£ammatory process: nitric oxide, leukotriene B4, tumor necrosis factora (TNFa). The intestinal contents from ¢ber-treated colitic rats showed a signi¢cant higher production of SCFA, butyrate and pro- pionate, than non-treated colitic animals. In vitro studies revealed a synergistic inhibitory eiect of butyrate and propio- nate onTNFa production. Conclusions: Dietary ¢ber supplementation ameliorated colonic damage in HLA-B27 transgenic rats.This eiects was associated with an increased production of SCFA, which can act synergistically in inhibiting the production of pro- in£ammatory mediators. r 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
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