Effect of infills made of concrete containing crushed bricks/tiles on seismic response of short columns

Autor: Martina Paradžiković, Ivana Miličević, Ivan Kraus
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Electronic Journal of the Faculty of Civil Engineering Osijek-e-GFOS
Volume 3
Issue 5
ISSN: 1847-8948
Popis: Mnoga izvješća načinjena nakon obilazaka potresom pogođenih područja pokazuju da su kratki stupovi vrlo osjetljivi elementi te da su izvor oštećenja na zgradama pogođenim potresom. Osim toga, pregledom literature je ustanovljeno da djelomični nekonstrukcijski zidani ispun, u usporedbi s betonskim ispunima, ima manje štetan utjecaj na kratke stupove. Ova spoznaja je ukazala na mogućnost primjene opekarskog loma (lom opeke i crijepa) kao agregata za beton, čime bi se dodatno podržao održivi razvoj. U radu je prikazano numeričko istraživanje utjecaja ispuna od betona s opekarskim lomom kao agregatom na potresni odziv kratkih armiranobetonskih stupova, kao i proračun i konstruiranje kratkih stupova, sličan onome za vezne grede zidova s otvorima. Linearno-elastični modalni proračun spektrima odziva proveden je na tropoljnim armiranobetonskim okvirima visine četiri i sedam katova. Mehanička svojstva betona s opekarskim lomom kao agregatom, opisana i korištena u ovom istraživanju, određena su laboratorijskim ispitivanjima provedenima na Građevinskom fakultetu Osijek.
Various post-earthquake reports indicate that short columns are vulnerable structural members and significant source of serious earthquake damage. Furthermore, reviewing the literature, it was observed that nonstructural partial brick infills, comparatively to partial concrete infills, have less harmful effects on short columns. This put a new perspective on the use of crushed bricks and tiles as concrete aggregate with the additionally benefit of providing a sustainable management of such material. This paper discusses a numerical study on the effect of infills made of concrete containing crushed bricks and tiles on the response of short reinforced-concrete columns. In addition, this paper presents an approach for the analysis and design of short columns, similar to that of tie beams. Linear elastic analysis was carried out on four- and seven-story three-bay reinforced-concrete frames using modal response spectrum analysis. Mechanical properties of concretes containing crushed bricks and tiles determined by laboratory testing at Faculty of Civil Engineering Osijek are described and used in this study.
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