Nekoliko osobitosti sređivanja korespondencije na primjeru osobnog arhivskog fonda Vinka Pulišića, zadarskoga nadbiskupa i metropolita Dalmacije

Autor: Anamaria Perović
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Arhivski vjesnik
Volume 63
Issue 1
ISSN: 1848-3143
DOI: 10.36506/av.63.5
Popis: U radu se iznosi način sređivanja i opisivanja korespondencije unutar osobnoga arhivskoga fonda na primjeru osobnoga fonda zadarskoga nadbiskupa i metropolita Dalmacije Vinka Pulišića. Vinko Pulišić živio je od 1853. do 1936., a gradivo fonda nastalo je između 1727. i 1939. godine. Postupak arhivističkoga oblikovanja i razvrstavanja gradiva te cjeline arhivskoga fonda rađen je vodeći se propisanim arhivskim normama, uz sagledavanje smjernica iznesenih u literaturi koja se bavi tom tematikom. Ponajviše su pritom korištene suvremene preporuke za sređivanje, koje su pak u jednoj određenoj mjeri prilagođene potrebama proizišlim iz sadržaja samoga gradiva.
The paper outlines the manner in which the correspondence within personal papers can be arranged, based on the example of the personal papers of Vinko Pulišić, archbishop of Zadar and metropolitan of Dalmatia. The procedure of formation of this particular whole (i.e. correspondence) of the archival fonds and its arrangement had been done by taking into account the obligatory archival norms and by considering guidelines that had so far been published in literature dealing with the subject. At the same time, contemporary recommendations for arranging were mostly used, and, to a certain extent, adjusted to needs arising from the content of the archives. When it comes to arranging and describing personal papers, including correspondence as its component, besides general regulations and instructions that had to be taken into account, the important part in producing an inventory also depends on the personal judgement of the archivist. Hence, general archival principles pertaining to arranging do not exclude certain variations, but their implementation in some cases can contribute to a more complete and clear presentation of the archives.
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