Functional heterogeneity and pH-dependent dissociation properties of human transferrin

Autor: Joseph V. Princiotto, E.J. Zapolski
Rok vydání: 1976
Zdroj: Biochimica et biophysica acta. 428(3)
ISSN: 0006-3002
Popis: Human diferric transferrin was partially labeled with 59Fe at low or neutral pH (chemically labeled) and by replacement of diferric iron previously donated to rabbit reticulocytes (biologically labeled). Reticulocyte 59Fe uptake experiments with chemically labeled preparations indicated that iron bound at near neutral pH was more readily incorporated by reticulocytes than iron bound at low pH. The pH-dependent iron dissociation studies of biologically labeled transferrin solutions indicated that Fe3+, bound at the site from which the metal was initially utilized by the cells, dissociated between pH 5.8 and 7.4. In contrast, lower pH (5.2--5.8) was required to effect dissociation of iron that has remained bound to the protein after incubation with reticulocytes. These findings suggest that each human transferrin iron-binding site has different acid-base iron-binding properties which could be related to the observed heterogenic rabbit reticulocyte iron-donating properties of human transferrin and identifies that the near neutral iron-binding site initially surrenders its iron to these cells.
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